Saturday, November 2, 2019

Enable Fullscreen Youtube videos

1. Create a new project in Sketchware.

2. In VIEW area add a WebView webview1.

3. Create a more block extra.

4. In the more block extra, use an add source directly blocks and put codes to define a new WebChromeClient class with name CustomWebClient.

public class CustomWebClient extends WebChromeClient {
private View mCustomView;
private WebChromeClient.CustomViewCallback mCustomViewCallback;
protected FrameLayout frame;

// Initially mOriginalOrientation is set to Landscape
private int mOriginalOrientation =;
private int mOriginalSystemUiVisibility;

// Constructor for CustomWebClient
public CustomWebClient() {}

public Bitmap getDefaultVideoPoster() {
if (MainActivity.this == null) {
return null; }
return BitmapFactory.decodeResource(MainActivity.this.getApplicationContext().getResources(), 2130837573); }

public void onShowCustomView(View paramView, WebChromeClient.CustomViewCallback viewCallback) {
if (this.mCustomView != null) {
return; }
this.mCustomView = paramView;
this.mOriginalSystemUiVisibility = MainActivity.this.getWindow().getDecorView().getSystemUiVisibility();
// When CustomView is shown screen orientation changes to mOriginalOrientation (Landscape).
// After that mOriginalOrientation is set to portrait.
this.mOriginalOrientation =;
this.mCustomViewCallback = viewCallback; ((FrameLayout)MainActivity.this.getWindow().getDecorView()).addView(this.mCustomView, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(-1, -1)); MainActivity.this.getWindow().getDecorView().setSystemUiVisibility(3846);

public void onHideCustomView() {
this.mCustomView = null;
// When CustomView is hidden, screen orientation is set to mOriginalOrientation (portrait).
// After that mOriginalOrientation is set to landscape.
this.mOriginalOrientation =; this.mCustomViewCallback.onCustomViewHidden();
this.mCustomViewCallback = null;


5. In onCreate event, use add source directly block and put codes to create a new CustomWebClient and set it as the WebChromeClient for the WebView.
webview1.setWebChromeClient(new CustomWebClient());

After that use webview loadUrl block to load youtube.

6. Now add a new event, 'On back button press', in LOGIC area of your app. In this event use if..else.. block. Add Webview goBack block as shown in image below. It should read, if WebView canGoBack then WebView goBack else Finish Activity.

7. Save and Run the project. You can now watch YouTube videos in fullscreen mode in your app.

crd#Sanjeev Kumar

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